Sleepful Flower Essence

Sleepful Flower Essence



Sleepful means hopeful of sleep and not just any sleep but good quality sleep! That is my hope for you.  This blend is also perfect for women who are moving from the Mother phase of their lives into the Wise Woman or Crone phase of their lives. It will aid in transitioning with self love and acceptance.

How it may help you or a loved one:

·       renews trust in the process

·       peaceful sleep

·       protection

·       grounds and centres

·       aids digestion

·       releases trans-generational ties

·       forgiveness

·      builds self-worth

·      dissolves fear

·      clarifies personal boundaries

·      Crone Energy - wise woman 

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Dosage: Take 7 drops twice daily, upon rising and retiring (put them on your beside table) or alternatively take 5 drops 5 times a day (carry them with you).

Ingredients: Heart Radiance Australian Wild Flower Essences, Grail Haven pure spring water, crystal essences, small amount of brandy as preservative, raw local honey (on request).

Flower Essences: Dandelion, Lacebark, Lantana, Lomandra, Macaranga, Morning Glory, Pink Shamrock, Sensitive Plant, White Wandering Jew